Wired for Growth

Travis Knowlton LCSW
2 min readNov 4, 2021

We need to be constantly evolving and changing, our bodies and minds require it!

You don’t just stop learning you momentarily pause and then start to regress. The regression may not be obvious.

The subtle return of a speech pattern, phrases, or internal perceptions begins to show their faces again.

The mind is a goal-oriented and habitual machine. The majority of your thoughts and thought patterns for that matter is what the mind we create goals for.

Evolution is a cruel nasty careless bitch. Your happiness?? Nope, says your brain. I’m gonna keep pushing the same thought and behavioral patterns forward because I know I can physically live there.

Your taste buds change with your growth through life.

Your skeletal structure changes completely every seven years or so.

Your mind is ever so malleable and is constantly pruning and creating new neuro-pathways.

Your immune system creates new proteins for new environments. creating a new part of you to get the most out of this new experience (environment)

The fabric of who we are is growth. You will either grow through newly chosen experiences and situations or you will grow through learning how deep a rut your 20-year pattern of behavior will make. Either way growth of some sort will happen, why not make it grow that will create joy, love, and inspiration!

-Travis Knowlton




Travis Knowlton LCSW

I'm a husband, father, veteran, and licensed clinical social worker that is here to enjoy and share!