We are all going to fuckin, die!

Travis Knowlton LCSW
2 min readNov 10, 2021

Unless we use a few skills!

You must turn fear into focus

Assess the situation, find or attempt to figure out your location, If not a specific spot on the earth then at least get your directional north. moss grows on the north side of trees. the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. on must Surrender to the situation. accept where you are and believe you will survive. Being able to humble oneself to a new and present situation the amygdala, the fire alarm system of the brain will calm down and your stress response will be dampened. the fastest way to calm your stress response is with humor, humor places the mind in a state of pseudo calm. allowing you to notate relevant information, assess what it all means and evaluate true threat versus perceived threat.

Be humble, it’s the correct response

in moments of tribulation, we need to calm our minds and emotional reactions. take in the beauty, recognize the wonder of your surroundings. Celebrate even the smallest of successes! are you alive right now, did you make it down or over that hill? CONGRATULATIONS! Those small rewards are what keep you going.

don't look at the entity of the situation, but instead, break it down into small easily achievable tasks that can be intrinsically rewarded. small accomplishments give…



Travis Knowlton LCSW

I'm a husband, father, veteran, and licensed clinical social worker that is here to enjoy and share!