Therapy notes:
Being a male therapist
A career field that is generally dominated by women when there is a man that occupies the role there are unique aspects and qualities that arise.
The relationship
This may very well be the first positive and healthy relationship a client may have with a man.
The first relationship a child has with a male is the role model, big brother, male, or father figure position. The first healthy relationship a woman has with a man. That is an amazing dynamic to be had within a therapy room. This can be directly used to help traumatized women understand and role-play positive interactions with men, allowing them to create a sense of security and self-esteem within themselves.
For a child, it can be the first time sitting with a male role model and having a heartfelt conversation without aggression.
This alone is a game-changer for so many clients, but let’s keep going.
Usually, but not always men have a different approach, that approach can be a little more direct and/or focused on the solution. Being solution-focused and direct can be appealing to some clients, if that was not available some clients would not show up.