Member-only story
Our sacred gift:
We are all born into this world, mostly with the same physiological and biological aspects and amenities. But in the dynamics of psychosocial approaches we all have similar but varyingt aspects to our individual psyches. There has been a standard grading chart that we use to explain where we may fall upon the playing field of intelligence(IQ Test). In recent times we have also explored areas outside the normal range of intelligence, for instance we can look at Howard Gardner’s, multiple intelligence, Daniel golemans emotional intelligence; there are several others that are leading the world in groind breaking inovations and paradigms. Going back to the grading of intelligene we must entertain what areas of acadamia we are acquiring these test scores, mainly math, science and English diciplines. With that said we are no longer in the industrial revolution where those skills trump all others (ironically if you look they were not trumping other subject either) but for sak of discussion we will say this. Dr. Ken Robinson challenges these old stale ideas and places a challenge to all of us and those of us in the educational system. We must change what and how we teach, this is his basic message.
These messengers of innovation truly inspire and motivate me to cultivate inspiration in those that I encounter in my life, weather that be my days work or everyday life. I would like to add…