If you teach a man,he learns. If you teach a women,society learns.
This is an amazing perspective and perception. A man learns or experiences life and it can change his path and direction in life. A women on the other hand learns and/or experiences the generations to come a impacted by that.
Now at first glance you might subscribe to this but within a moment you see that a father still has an impact on his child and their mother. And that is true,but within in this dialog you will find a unique perspective that is all to often nit discussed or explained.
Though we are still in our infancy of understanding neurobiology and epigenetic, the research and application we have thus far has taught us a great deal.
A man goes off to war and develops post-traumatic stress disorder. This impacts the wiring of his brain and the somatic and neurological functioning of his body is now altered in its relation to stress management.
This reprogramming is carried through life and is activated with any level of stress. In short, his stress response in a somatic and neurophysiologicsl manner is altered since his interaction with war.
These alterations impact worldview,self esteem/efficacy,communication and all biological functioning.
The take away here is the changes, positive or negative are contained within a closed system.