Travis Knowlton LCSW
2 min readMar 1, 2023
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The good enough mother was a concept introduced by the British psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott. According to Winnicott, the good enough mother is a mother who provides her child with a "holding environment" that allows the child to feel safe, secure, and loved, while also providing opportunities for the child to explore and develop a sense of autonomy.

The good enough mother is not perfect or flawless, but rather is attuned to her child's needs and able to adapt and respond to them. She is able to provide a balance between meeting her child's needs and allowing her child to experience frustration and disappointment, which are essential for healthy development.

Winnicott believed that a good enough mother is essential for healthy child development, as she provides a secure base from which the child can explore the world and develop a sense of self. He also believed that the good enough mother is a model for healthy relationships in adulthood, as individuals who have experienced a good enough mother are more likely to develop trusting and secure relationships with others.

This approach emphasizes the importance of providing a nurturing and supportive environment for children while also allowing them to experience challenges and develop their own sense of self.



Travis Knowlton LCSW

I'm a husband, father, veteran, and licensed clinical social worker that is here to enjoy and share!