Expansion of the mind

Travis Knowlton LCSW
8 min readOct 25, 2021

For the human race to go from the fields of the Samarian culture and battle through the renaissance finally prevailing through the dark ages and awakening to the enlightened era the human race must have had a lot of dumb luck or some finite critical lifesaving skills that allowed for the flourishment and expansion of our species. For these were times of mass killing, outrageous attempts a government, experiments that were tied to religion, and the beginning of today’s varying fields of science and the arts. How we adapted and overcame these trials and tribulations is the path we took and are still on today, but how has that path served us, or to be correct, how have we laid down such a path in correlation to how we wish to walk upon it. To rewind for a moment is but to see the moment in time that allowed us to take the first step down the road of human dominance over the land air and sea.

The original thought that the first women had that propelled us into the cognitive revolution to which we are still exploring and inventing, is one that is believed to be of nothing more than the imagination, to see two inanimate objects and in your mind’s eye, envision how they may fit together to accomplish a task in a way that will save time and energy is but a process that we ancestors of these pioneers now take for granted. As we evolved we became very precious in the manner in which we used and applied this new…



Travis Knowlton LCSW

I'm a husband, father, veteran, and licensed clinical social worker that is here to enjoy and share!