Discover inspiration and motivation:

Travis Knowlton LCSW
8 min readOct 28, 2021

listen to T.E.D.

We live in an overindulgent society, what makes us feel intrinsically good or socially excepted? Buying cars and houses upon which are not capable of the household budget. simply to have the appearance of the desired status. It has become standard for individuals to jeopardize their family life and sustainability to participate in activities that feed the desire to be accepted by their peers. Believing these actions will make them look smarter and more sophisticated. Running from the discovery of which they are on the inside and what their own true potential might be, connecting with activities we participate in on a day-to-day basis, adjusting ourselves to our surrounding environment can have negative consequences to the quality of life.

Not living to our full potential and settling for social norms is the current trend. Financially and academically accepting satisfactory for the purpose of life, over-achieving is a notion of the past. Being that substandard accomplishment is the new trendy mindset, passing these lower societal standards down to our children, hoping these same mistakes will not be made, transforming our world forever. Social media being blasted in our faces every day, preventing active silence to take part in the routines of our daily lives is detrimental to personal growth. Our minds are being flooded with…



Travis Knowlton LCSW

I'm a husband, father, veteran, and licensed clinical social worker that is here to enjoy and share!