Creativity is a great way to measure your mental health!
Within all aspects of life, I am only a team player with family. I can’t stand working for other people. It’s not because I have to be the boss, but I see faster and more efficient ways of managing tasks. Additionally, leadership is a lost art in most of our current society.
If you have read my other material, you know I was in the military and served in Afghanistan. That sparks the question: Are you not a team player but served? I answer that with a “yes”. My role is kinda unique. I was a Navy corpsman with the Marines. Though I was an e-4, I held the position and responsibility of an e-6. With this, I could jump through the chain of command and give directions and orders within my respective expertise, and those orders were followed.
Now, during a training called “combat trauma management,” there was a moment within the second week of training where we were deprived of food and sleep for a few days. In this training, we learned that your perceived maxed-out stress level is nowhere near where it is. What is meant by that is your stress level is a whole heck of a lot higher than you perceive; you have to be taught how to manage it. The fun takes off when they teach us how to handle mass casualties and apply the concepts within triage! I say that with the highest level of sarcasm. Here, you can’t win; the instructors are…