3 Unique Perspectives.

Travis Knowlton LCSW
2 min readNov 22, 2021
courtesy of Unsplash

Due to my time in the military

  1. Societal/political issues

It’s Two sides of the same coin. It’s hard to see two separate dominant parties. Reflecting on the parties' histories one can see that the talking points of today were points of disgust in the past. Both parties constantly flip-flop.

They are the same team, just trying to figure out which approach works best for social control. Some members of the team use fear; some use a faulty sense of unity.

The ones that should be in office, have a clear mind, usually a centrist. Get left out of any publicized debate or public light. think of Socrates philosopher king.

Lastly, the people we have to choose from, I believe, are a direct reflection of our society. I mean, that directly what emotional intelligence do we have, what’s our average intelligence quotient, are we acting like playground bullies? Then that is what we get.

  1. Death

That bitch is closer than we give her credit for. When you see death, in large quantities, it makes you contemplate your own mortality and legacy. Is what I did today honorable? What am I leaving behind? Does my impact even matter? This is not some abstract thought either; the minute it starts to fade you have reminded another friend that you served with…



Travis Knowlton LCSW

I'm a husband, father, veteran, and licensed clinical social worker that is here to enjoy and share!